Let’s take a deep dive into recently engaged couple, James and Caitlie’s world…
We'd love to know a little more about your engagement during your NZ holiday?
Queenstown has always held a special place in my heart as it is my annual family holiday since 2007 and also the first overseas trip we took as a couple.
We were heading there to celebrate a close friends 40th but decided to spend a couple days by ourselves first - this is when James proposed and it was so nice to have a couple days to ourselves in our little bubble before then celebrating with our friends.
How long have you been together and what is the story of how you met?
We have been together since January 2023 but met back in 2012 when James had a soccer trip to the Gold Coast.
We were both out with our friends and met each other, danced the night away before going our seperate ways and not seeing or reconnecting again till 2023 when James messaged out of the blue “Hey, it’s been a while, how are you?” Then texted me to give him a call where we spoke for 3 hours.
Then spoke on the phone every day for a month before I bit the bullet and jumped on a flight to Sydney to see him for a weekend.
We navigated long distance for 10 months before James moved from Wollongong to Banora Point to start our next journey with our two dogs and moving into the house we had just bought together.
James, it has been such a pleasure creating Caities ring. Can you tell us why you chose our Radiant Lab Grown Solitaire?
I chose the radiant style as that is the style Cait liked from our conversations and what I thought would best suit her - I added the hidden halo and her birth stone to the design for extra detail and touch.

Caitie, what was it like to see your ring for the first time?
I was absolutely blown away, every detail down to the diamond, hidden halo and the hidden birth stone. He literally thought of everything to make it special for me.
What do you envision for the big day?
All our closest family and friends who have been along for our journey celebrating us starting another adventure.
What do you look forward to most as a couple in this next chapter?
We are so excited to have a family, launch James new business and continue to grow as a couple.
Find your dream ring today. Book an appointment with one of our expert ring consultants here.